Interviewing a Co-Founder for your Startup

By Fernando Berrocal

To make a successful business, you will need the assistance of a co-founder for your startup. If you're currently searching for one, it's critical to ask the appropriate questions throughout the interview process (is better to have these questions written down) to identify the proper fit for your business. Finding someone with complementary talents and beliefs to yours and your business, as well as the technical and business expertise and drive to navigate the rough waters of a new startup, will put you on the road to a successful business. Similarly, partnering with a startup co-founder whose beliefs don't align with yours and who doesn’t have the maturity or abilities to sail through stormy waters might sink your startup's ship. Of course, each sector has its own set of peculiarities, so you may have more questions that will help you make the best option for your startup and its environment. However, for the sake of consistency, the following is a selected collection of questions that may be safely applied to all co-founder interviews.

How do you deal with disagreements? Startups are turbulent, frenetic roller coaster rides filled with danger and uncertainty. Conflicts are inevitable to develop in such an atmosphere. It's crucial to understand how someone handles conflict. Do they know how to speak in a responsible manner that doesn't escalate the conflict? Are their patience and skill set sufficient to defuse the situation?  Or do they hold grudges and would sooner give up than make amends?

How do you deal with pressure? The 100-hour per week is well-known in the startup world. Even if you don't work that much, you'll almost certainly be working a lot and the task will be unpleasant at times. Find out whether your co-founder is adept at distributing duties or if they need to handle everything alone during the interview. Also, do they have any experience improving their processes to reduce burden by figuring out methods to accomplish things more efficiently? Or do they simply accept that things will take longer and struggle through it? Some people have a lot of energy, but then they burn out rapidly. You don't want your co-founder to burn out, so get a clear response to this question.

How long can you survive financially without a salary? We live in a culture where it's taboo to inquire about someone's finances, yet they're crucial. It may not be the decisive element, but knowing if your co-founder is solvent enough to survive the months it may take for the business to develop to the point where it can pay wages. If they can't, they'll have to find another job, and their focus will be on paying their expenses rather than the company you're working for. Also, are they comfortable with having a low salary to divert money back? If they have financial worries, they may push to have the money go to them, further delaying the business' progress.

interview co-founder



What are your core beliefs? This question simply asks if you're doing it to make the world a better place or if you're doing it to earn money. The response will have an impact on a variety of factors, including how things are run, willingness to sacrifice pay when things become tough, and what they consider success. If the business and its proposition are successful, even if they are not wealthy, someone who is doing it because they want to make the world a better place will be pleased. Anyone who desires to make money will work hard for it but will give up if they don't think it will make them wealthy. It's critical to understand which one you're working with. It's excellent if you're both idealistic and seeking a way to generate money. Conflict occurs when co-founders are at different ends of the value spectrum.

What method will be used to make decisions? This may be addressed in various ways, but the core question is whether the co-founders will make all of the choices or if the decision-making process will be more democratic and include other key startup contributors. Because a lot of startup operations rely on good decision-making, you and your co-founder must agree on how to go about it. Do they prefer to work in an authoritarian or collaborative environment? Or do they feel that certain choices should be made by the cofounders, while others should be shared with the rest of the team for input? You'll start having problems on Day 1 if you and your partner have completely different notions about how to make decisions.

Are our skills mutually beneficial? Bringing on a co-founder who shares a lot of your interests may seem appropriate. You might bond over common interests and skills. However, there are a few reasons why this isn't the best fit. First, while having talents that are too similar may appear to be compatible, it sets you up to be rivals. Startups are small businesses, and each important function can only be filled by one individual. One captain to assist in the ship's navigation. You're begging for rebellion with two captains. To avoid getting in each other's way, search for someone with a variety of experiences and talents. They could be good at coding if you're good at leading. They could be good at leading meetings and networking if you're good at finances. Instead of competing, look for someone who can fill in the holes that you can't.

interview co-founder



What is your background?  In startups, where everything goes and everyone qualifies to work with you if they're up for an adventure. However, when it comes to a position as crucial as a co-founder, it's critical to understand their history. Have they ever started a business or worked for one? How did it go for them? Don't simply listen to their responses; search for hints about certain key characteristics, such as Resilience - Do they have what it takes to stay with you through the tough times, and have they shown this in the past? Ownership - Do they accept responsibility for their own experiences, even their faults, or was it all someone else's fault?  Wisdom - What have they learned from their experience that they can use for your startup?

What is your ultimate goal?  This question assesses a person's ambition. How far are they willing to travel? Are they wanting to experiment in a business for the sake of having fun, or do they want to build a Fortune 500 business? What is their level of commitment to all of this? What are they prepared to give up to succeed? At what point will they consider themselves successful? When do they use their startup earnings to pay their rent? You and your co-founder must have the same goals. Otherwise, one of you would think the other isn't trying hard enough. Co-founders who keep moving ahead at a steady and compatible pace are more likely to achieve joint success.

In conclusion, the interview for your cofounder is a critical stage in the development of your business. Make sure to ask the proper questions to select a co-founder who will cooperate with you to develop a successful business rather than working against you due to incompatibility. During the interviews, dig deep to uncover the candidate's underlying principles. Are they the same as yours? If not, keep interviewing until you find the perfect person.

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